It Was Lonely In The Wasteland

On launch day, I stepped out of Vault 76 on my own and was instantly thrown into the buggy, remote West Virginia wilderness.
On launch day, I stepped out of Vault 76 on my own and was instantly thrown into the buggy, remote West Virginia wilderness.
The PlayStation 4 was bigger than a hand-me-down: it was a passing of years’ worth of memories, years’ worth of labor, and years’ worth of growing up.
I fear that if I do not acquire a given thing, I cannot protect it from ceasing to exist as an artistic artifact.
Making friends as an adult is hard. Being forced to remeet the villagers with each new Animal Crossing may be harder.
This website started the moment another one fell apart. Restarting is hard, but I believe this time, it was worth it.
Being stuck in a time loop deadens the senses until nothing feels real. Dysphoria is pretty much the same.