FAQs (and Other Contactual Queries)
For any issues with your subscription or questions about your account, please email support@dangeroustogoalone.site.
I'm interested in subscribing to Dangerous to Go Alone, how do I do that?
Thank you for your support! Please click on the Subscribe button in our little hamburger menu, or you can click here.
What's the point of becoming a member?
Right now, everyone can read every article, so creating a free account enrolls you in The Bonfire, our wind-down newsletter that explains all the articles published that week that you might have missed, and let's us know you love what we are doing. Subscribing to Early Access not only keeps our lights on and our writers paid, but you'll get access to every issue when they publish and our entire in the backlog — once we have one, that is.
Can I give money without subscribing? / Can I give extra money after subscribing?
You sure can, generous anonymous reader! Anyone can donate money at any time using this link.
What does my money go toward?
Dangerous to Go Alone is run by four scrappy volunteers. All funds currently go toward adequately compensating our writers and covering web hosting costs. Any additional gross will be put toward expanding the amount of writers per issue, commissioning artists, and other secret ways to improve the quality and quantity of the project.
Will the website's name result in a lawsuit?
I really really hope not!